

The Sun and Mercury Align and Enhance Today.

Filed under: Uncategorized — by unityoness2013 @ 2:04 pm

The Shift of Time and Energy!


I woke up late again, so I want to get to the readings from Saturday and a constant, a very surprising constant that ran thru every one of them.  The sun itself was the main player, but not the sun as it was up in the sky, nope thru every reading it hung directly above center at the (imaginary) dividing line that sometimes appears in readings separating the lower earths atmosphere (our created physical life) and the upper earth’s atmosphere.  Or better said, going to scale of my vision, about 10 – 15 feet above the ground level.  There was an energy, a luminosity pouring into every person’s field of life from the south node of the sun, the way I seen and understood the energy was unique to each person showing up on the field of course.   It was beautiful but also so filled with light energy the…

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