

Thru the Light of May.

Filed under: Uncategorized — by unityoness2013 @ 11:19 am

The Shift of Time and Energy!

When spirit says and shows a particular energy system being ruled by something (May being ruled by the sun) What I hope for, and what we get, two different ballparks most of the time. This is so true for our entrance into May. The sun is in play in all the readings for sure, but in individual connected ways.

During this first week of May, energy from the sun is directly connected to each person (that lives at the leading edge of light.) It’s connection and what it is doing is unique to each person I see. For example, one of my guys had a tornado like sun filled sheathing around him and it was spinning so fast., his team kept reminding him to be mindful of his equilibrium until this system subsides. Along with the inner energy it is rearranging within him, so to is it spreading outwards. Another…

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